Welcome to Liberty North High School's Theatre blog! Here, you will find useful information about our upcoming productions, as well as nostalgic memories from past performances. So come on in and take look around, we look forward to seeing you at one of our shows!

Drama Club

B Y - L A W S
Do you guys have any standards?
Yes! We're glad you asked!

  1. You must be in the cast or crew of at least two (2) theatrical productions - including, but not limited to, the Competition One Act or Readers' Theatre.
  2. You must have no more than three (3) unexcused absences from LNDC meetings. At the fourth (4th) offense, any and all Executives of LNDC have the right to consult with you on further participation, and have the right to dismiss you from LNDC and connectivity.
  3. If a Club-wide decision becomes an evenly split tie, the ultimate decision lies with the Executives. In the event that an Executive decision becomes a tie, the ultimate decision lies with the President and/or the LNHS staff representative.
  4. All suggestions and concerns should e-mailed directly to an Executive.
  5. Any and all Executive positions are open to re-election at the termination of the school year.
  6. LNDC upholds four (4) key values from its members - respect, unity, creativity and integrity. Any disagreement or disorderly conduct against these values can and will be met with dismissal from LNDC, without rebuttal.
  7. Academics always come first. You must be passing six (6) out of seven (7) classes to be a member of LNDC. Anything less limits you to a probationary term - you will not be invited to meetings and you will have no say in any decisions made during your sentence.
  8. Support and encouragement are the values that tie all of LNDC together. Any word of disrespect toward another group or team will result in disciplinary action mentioned above. Apply your LNDC values with whomever you meet and wherever you roam.


PRESIDENT — Justen Willhite
VICE PRESIDENT — Conner Paulson
SECRETARY — Michael Chapman
HISTORIAN — Sean Pappone


PRESIDENT — Conner Paulson
VICE PRESIDENT — Caitlyn Fuller
SECRETARY — Thadeus Acha
HISTORIANS — Michael Chapman & Sean Pappone


CO-PRESIDENTS — Conner Paulson & Lauren VanNess
VICE PRESIDENT — Justen Willhite
SECRETARY — Kammi Porter
HISTORIANS — Sean Pappone & Alma MacDonald


FOUNDER — Ms. Danielle Romay

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